
About Me

Hello, I'm Sophie. Welcome to this healing space!

Through meditation, journalling and affirmations my heartfelt intention and aim is to teach, mentor and support women on their meditation journey.

It is my belief we are all on our soul journey as individuals, finding our way back to our most loving, compassionate and true selves. Shedding the layers of generational and societal narrative that we have internalised and has us believing we are not good enough unless we meet a certain criteria. That inhibits us from truly living from our essence (soul) and believing that we are actually good enough, we do deserve love, we can be ourselves. This is the journey my beautiful soul, that we are on together. Me and you. Although this is your journey, you don't have to do it completely alone. I am here to inspire, guide and support you, just as my teachers and mentors do for me.

I found meditation, spirituality and healing around 5 years ago at a painful, chaotic and difficult time in my life. I was very lost and it really did feel like everything sort of came tumbling down around me. From that moment though I made a choice to be open, to bare my heart to the Universe and say guide me. That's when the answers, people, places, situations started to align and flow so effortlessly. I started practising meditation, affirmations and journalling, I made it a daily ritual and I fell so in love with it! Safe to say these three key practices have stuck with me and what I now share with my students.

Through these practices I have healed deep unloved and unforgiven parts of myself. I have accessed pain, anger and sadness I had pushed very far down within for fear of facing the reality of what they represented. But through doing this deep, shadowy, uncomfortable work thus far with the loving support of my teachers I have been able to move on with love. I have a more fulfilling relationship with myself, stronger self awareness and intuition, and I trust myself to put my best foot forward with the decisions I make. It is all a journey and it all comes in waves, and cycles like the moon. I am still learning, growing and healing and that's where I can tell you, you are not alone.

You can read more about my journey and story with mental health below...

Sophie Faulkner

200 Hour Advanced Meditation Teacher

My story with mental health

Why I turned to meditation and the love of the Universe & how meditation has transformed my life ...

Your soul journey starts here